We are moving our AllergyWise® courses to our new learning platform on the Anaphylaxis UK website. The new platform provides a smoother training experience and features our brand new AllergyWise® for Early Years Settings course.
The course has been written by our Online Training & Education Manager and qualified teacher, with support from our Information Team, with a wealth of knowledge about allergies and anaphylaxis. The course has also been reviewed by members of our Clinical and Scientific Panel and early years staff.
The AllergyWise® for Early Years Settings course includes:
The course takes approximately 1 hour to complete, at a time that suits you and at your own pace.
Deputy Nursery Manager, Verity Hamer, said:
“This course is a fantastic resource for early years providers to learn all about allergies and anaphylaxis. It’s so much more in depth than anything we’ve covered before in first aid training. I had no idea about the link between activity and anaphylaxis and it’s that kind of detailed information that could be lifesaving. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend that all nursery staff do this course.”
There are national minimum standards that early years providers must meet, such as the Early Years Foundation Stage statutory framework in England. Early years settings are required to obtain information about children’s health requirements, including food allergies, before they attend, and record and act on the information provided.
Up to 5% of children are thought to have a food allergy.
Anaphylaxis, the most serious allergic reaction, usually begins within minutes and can be life-threatening. Recognising anaphylaxis in babies and toddlers can be particularly challenging as they may present with non-typical symptoms and are less able to express their feelings. We encourage a whole setting allergy awareness approach as this is the safest way to manage children with allergies. The more staff who have an understanding of allergies, can recognise the signs of anaphylaxis and know what to do in an emergency, the safer all children with allergies in the setting will be.
Our AllergyWise® for Early Years Settings course is designed for all early years providers, including day nurseries, pre-schools, nursery schools and childminders.
The course covers common causes of allergic reactions, symptoms of anaphylaxis and how to use adrenaline auto-injectors (EpiPen®, Emerade® and Jext®). Topics to specifically support early years settings to safely manage children with allergies are also included, such as allergen avoidance, responsibilities, risk assessment, Allergy Action Plans, storage of adrenaline auto-injectors and practical scenarios relevant to early years providers.
“I feel much more confident in dealing with allergic reactions in young children.“
As well as the evidence-based content, the course also includes additional benefits, such as downloadable allergy awareness resources to use with children, including colouring, trace the letters and fill in the gap activity sheets. All settings who complete our training are also eligible for our new AllergyWise® Early Years Settings award.
For further information about this new online course and the additional benefits click here.
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