Royal Parks Half Marathon

Take on the stunning Royal Parks Half Marathon with #TeamAnaphylaxis on Sunday 8 October 2023. Great for first-time runners or those aiming for a personal best!

Fundraising Events

Whether you’re looking for an event to tick off your bucket list, or keen to take your fitness up a notch…we’d love to welcome you to #TeamAnaphylaxis. It will be no easy feat, but with the motivation of supporting those living with serious allergies, we’re sure you’ll conquer any challenge!

Jurassic Coast Weekend Trek

Climb and descend the steep hills of the Jurassic Coast, taking in some of its most spectacular scenery along the way. The most geologically diverse coastline in the world, you’ll be walking in a fossil-hunter’s paradise and raising invaluable awareness and funds for Anaphylaxis UK.

2023 Events

Join #TeamAnaphylaxis in 2023 for one of our treks or cycling events. From a weekend exploring the Jurassic Coast to the famous London to Paris cycle ride, you’re sure to find a challenge perfect for you.

2024 TCS London Marathon

Apply today to run for #TeamAnaphylaxis at the iconic 2024 TCS London Marathon.

Bee Allergy Aware School Fundraising

We would love for your school to get involved in our fun fundraising activities during our Bee Allergy Aware Campaign! Encourage your pupils to ‘bee’ aware and raise vital funds for Anaphylaxis UK to help those who turn to us for support.

Download our Fundraising Pack

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