New trusted information toolkit for healthcare professionals

New trusted information toolkit for healthcare professionals

  • 28 February 2023
  • Healthcare News

The Patient Information Forum (PIF) has today (28 February) launched a new PIF TICK toolkit to help healthcare professionals provide trusted information to their patients. 

A 2022 survey found 58% of healthcare professionals reported difficulty sourcing reliable health information to share with patients. The new PIF TICK toolkit helps tackle that challenge. It includes a directory of more than 85 Trusted Information Creators, including Anaphylaxis UK. 

Every organisation signposted in the directory has undergone a robust, independent assessment of their healthcare information production process. 

Sue Farrington, chair of PIF, said:  

“We know from the recent COVID-19 crisis and the proliferation of opinion on social media platforms, often taken for fact, how disinformation can spread. So, at a time when our healthcare system is stretched, it becomes even more important that healthcare professionals can have confidence in being able to signpost trusted information.” 

Simon Williams, chief executive of Anaphylaxis UK, said: 

“We are proud to be a ‘Trusted Information Creator’ with PIF. The PIF TICK was first awarded to Anaphylaxis UK in December 2021 for our downloadable allergy factsheets. Healthcare professionals can signpost their patients to our factsheets with the reassurance that our information has been rigorously assessed and is evidence-based, clear and up-to-date.” 

Last year the World Health Organisation (WHO) identified credibility marks as part of the solution to misinformation and featured the PIF TICK as a case study.  

The TRIP database, Healthinote and HCI video use the PIF TICK to verify trusted health information. NHSE used the PIF TICK criteria as the basis of its new content standard.  

The new toolkit also features patient resources, including easy-to-use factsheets on spotting false health information, BMI and clinical evidence. 

Find out more and download the toolkit at