New review findings support introducing allergens to babies before 11 months

New review findings support introducing allergens to babies before 11 months

  • 27 February 2023
  • Healthcare News

A review of infant weaning research from around the world has concluded that the introduction of certain food allergens before the age of 11 months could decrease the likelihood of developing some food allergies. 

The Complementary and Allergenic Food Introduction in Infants: An Umbrella Review looked at studies examining the introduction of complementary or allergenic foods before the age of one, and the long and short-term health outcomes. Outcomes including allergic, autoimmune, neurodevelopment and weight. 

The review screened 4015 articles, including 32 systematic reviews. There was moderate evidence that peanut and egg should be introduced from 4 to 11 months to prevent food allergy. Complementary food introduction was not associated with food allergy.  

Read the full article here.