Anaphylaxis Campaign merges with the Latex Allergy Support Group

Anaphylaxis Campaign merges with the Latex Allergy Support Group

  • 10 November 2015
  • News

Following our Extraordinary General Meeting held yesterday in London – we are very proud to announce that from today, 24th September 2015, the Anaphylaxis Campaign is to merge with the Latex Allergy Support Group (LASG).

Lynne Regent, CEO the Anaphylaxis Campaign said; “We very much welcome this merger, this will further strengthen the support we provide to people living with severe allergies.  We wish to thank all those volunteers who set up and ran the LASG over the past 19 years — they have done a fantastic job and we are proud to take forward their work raising awareness of latex allergy and supporting those living with the condition.”

The Latex Allergy Support Group was a voluntary self-help organisation founded in 1996, with 170+ members. The aims of the Group were to raise awareness of latex allergy, provide support for those affected, and promote the safe and appropriate use of latex products and equipment.

The Anaphylaxis Campaign will now take forward these objectives and we will continue to provide information and support to all those living with a Latex Allergy.

LASG members will shortly be transferred to our membership community and we want to wish them a big welcome.

In addition as part of this merger Lord Boswell of Aynho will join the Anaphylaxis Campaign as a joint President and Aleks Kinay will be joining us as a trustee, both formerly held these positions at the LASG.

If you would like more information on this merger please drop us an email to