Adult Food Allergy Workshop a success

Adult Food Allergy Workshop a success

  • 20 July 2015
  • News

Members of our helpline team attended an Adult Food Allergy Workshop organised by the FSA and sponsored by the BSACI on Monday 17th March 2014.

The meeting drew together researchers, clinicians and other relevant parties working in the food allergy arena to discuss current knowledge of adult food allergy and identify research gaps in the field.

The initiative was prompted by the identification of a lack of research in adult food allergy, with the majority of studies focussing on childhood food allergy. The FSA is planning to prioritise this area over the next 5 years as part of its ongoing allergy research programme.

During the workshop, 6 groups were formed to discuss 5 key issues relating to adult food allergy as identified by participants in a survey prior to the meeting. The groups considered research that could be undertaken relating to these issues.

The issues were:

  1. What factors affect the development of adult-onset food allergy and the routes of exposure through which sensitisation and allergy to foods is acquired in adults?
  2. What is the true prevalence of adult food allergy in the UK and what is the balance between new-onset allergy and unresolved childhood allergy?
  3. What are the characteristics of new onset food allergy in adults and how do they compare to unresolved food allergy acquired in childhood?
  4. What are the mechanisms of new-onset food allergy in adults?
  5. What are the barriers to effective avoidance and quality of life for adults with food allergy?

We will keep you informed on the progress of this initiative and report any further updates as and when they become available.