Professor John O. Warner OBE MD FRCP FRCPCH FMedSci FERS

Clinical and Scientific Ambassador for Anaphylaxis UK.

Emeritus Professor, National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College, London and Hon. Professor Paediatrics University of Cape Town.

Previously; Professor of Paediatrics and Head of Department, Imperial College 2006-2019 and Professor of Child Health University of Southampton 1990-2006.

Over 500 publications in medical and scientific journals.

Extra-mural appointments; Head Paediatric assembly, European Respiratory Society (1993-7); Editor in Chief, Pediatric Allergy and Immunology 1998-2010; and President Academic Paediatric Association (GB and I) 2009-2014.

Awards; BSACI William Frankland (2005); Pepys and Morrow Brown lectures (2011, 2014); Lifetime Achievement award European Respiratory Society (2009); OBE for services to food allergy research (2013).

Research interests; Inhalant and food allergy; Allergy prevention; Asthma; Mechanisms of airway and gut inflammation; Developmental origins of Health and Disease; Integrated care pathways; Paediatric long-COVID.