Community events

Welcome to Team Anaphylaxis! Thank you for choosing to participate in this event, we are really thrilled you have chosen to support Anaphylaxis UK, helping us continue to provide information and support to the growing number of people at risk of serious allergies and from anaphylaxis in the UK.

Ahead of the big day, we need some further information from you. If you could complete this form as soon possible we would really appreciate it.

Please be assured that the information you provide is for Anaphylaxis UK’s administrative purposes only and will not be shared with a third party.

Community events data capture

Event Day Emergency Contact Name(Required)
We would love to share your story and images with our social media followers in the run up to the event and on race day! Would this be ok?(Required)
Would you like to receive a complimentary branded technical sports t-shirt or vest for training and race day?(Required)
Please select t-shirt or vest
Please select the size
Gift Aid is a simple way to increase the value of your donation to Anaphylaxis UK - at no extra cost to you. If you pay tax in the UK, Anaphylaxis UK can reclaim the basic rate of tax you have paid on your donation, which increases the value of your donations by 25%. So, if you donate £10, it is worth £12.50 to Anaphylaxis UK. Can we claim Gift aid from your deposit and subsequently any donations made by yourself?(Required)
More information on gift aid and if you are eligible can be found here - A guide to Gift Aid (UK only) – JustGiving Help