Business Membership

As a business member of Anaphylaxis UK you will benefit from a range of support from our business forum, regular webinars, training and education plus discounts.

Why join as a Business Member?

We are improving the way we work with business to offer more in return to our business members:
  • right_arrow_orange_icon The new monthly newsletter includes more updates on the latest developments in policy and research
  • right_arrow_orange_icon Our new and more regular webinars will feature leaders from across industry and include more up-to-date information and insights
  • right_arrow_orange_icon Get access to online training and get discounted in-person training courses
  • right_arrow_orange_icon Get discounts on our product alerts, which get sent to people with the relevant allergies and backed up by our information team on standby to help with consumer enquiries
  • right_arrow_orange_icon Premium Members can join the Anaphylaxis UK Business Forum and help shape how we work with business
  • right_arrow_orange_icon Get a dedicated business member logo to show your customer

Business Membership Packages

We offer different levels of support to help your business become safer for people with allergies


per year

Included in your membership:

  • Business member logo
  • Monthly newsletter


per year

Included in your membership:

  • Monthly newsletter
  • Business member logo
  • Quarterly Business Forum meetings


Let's work together and create something amazing

  • Public awareness campaigns
  • Social media campaigns
  • Web-content
  • Sponsorship
  • Joint events
  • Newsletter sponsorship

Some of our Business Members

Latest Business News Headlines

Enhancing Allergen Management: Key Highlights from Anaphylaxis UK’s June 2024 Business Forum 18th July 2024

The Anaphylaxis UK Business Forum continues to be a crucial platform for businesses across sectors to collaborate on enhancing allergen management practices. June’s Business Forum featured updates from global leaders in food science, food safety, and allergy science, focusing on

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Education for a Brighter Future 27th June 2024

Tracey Dunn, our Education and Training Manager joined us back in February and what a busy 4 months it’s been. Now that Tracey has settled into her role and has had time to catch her breath we thought it’d be a great time to give a little update on what Tracey has been up to.

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World Food Safety Day: Our Mission for an Allergen-Safe Food Supply 7th June 2024

As we mark World Food Safety Day 2024, let it serve as a reminder that behind every food safety statistic are real individuals whose lives and wellbeing quite literally could depend on the proper handling and labelling of their next meal.

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